Column store technology has found its way into products offering in all major commercial vendors. The market for applications empowered be these techniques provide ample space for further innovations.
When you database grows into million of rows you really need one NoSQL Solution, column store database management system would be good choice.
MonetDB innovates at all layers of DBMS, e.g. a storage model bases on vertical fragmentation, a modern CPU-tuned query execution architecture, automatic and self-tuning indexes, run-time query optimization, and a modular software architecture.
MonetDB pioneered column-store solutions for high-performance data warehouses for business intelligence and eScience since 1993. It achieves its goal by innovations at all layers of a DBMS. It is based on the SQL 2003 standard with full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures. It is fully ACID compliant and supports a rich spectrum of programming interfaces (JDBC, ODBC, PHP, Python, RoR, C/C++, Perl).
OS: UBUNTU 14.10
download copy of monetdb source tar ball, I have fetched latest available copy 11.19.9 using commands below, extract it and go to MonetDB directory:
~ # wget https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/sources/Oct2014-SP2/MonetDB-11.19.9.tar.bz2
~ # tar xvf MonetDB-11.19.9.tar.bz2
~ # cd MonetDB-11.19.9/
Now we will compile source for installation:
To configure and compile we need following packages to be installed,
- make
- pkg-config
- openssl
- pcre
- libxml2
To install above listed packages use following commands for ubuntu(sudo users will use sudo for each command like "sudo apt-get update")
apt-get update
apt-get install make
apt-get install pkg-config
apt-get install bison
apt-get install OpenSSL
apt-get install libssl-dev
apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev
apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev
To Configure and install Monetdb source use following command:
make install
To Add missing path to the monet libraries use:
ldconfig -v
Now Monetdb is installed, to continue using we need to create/start dbform to store data, use following commands to create dbform.
monetdbd create /root/my_dbform
monetdbd start /root/my_dbform
After starting dbform you can create database using following commands.
monetdb create mydatabase
monetdb release mydatabase
To start db shell using following command. default username/password for fresh installation is monetdb.
mclient -u monetdb -d mydatabase <------ Hit Enter and you will be asked for password
For SQL Reference use provided weblink.
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